Creating an Automated 180 Survey Process

180 or 360 surveys are tools commonly used in performance management and employee development within organisations. Both involve gathering feedback on a participant from a range of sources, such as peers, direct managers, and self-assessments. They provide a holistic view of an employee’s performance, identifying strengths and areas for improvement from multiple perspectives.

However, they can turn into large complex, time-consuming processes to run. This is where Olas comes in. We can offer our services to develop online surveys and automated processes to make the process more streamlined and manageable. This could be a process developed to run in-house, or indeed Olas could host and manage the process for you.

Creating an Automated 180 Survey Process

In this sample case study, we will examine how Olas could develop a streamlined 180 Survey process for your business.

The first step for the business will be to draw up the survey questions, create a matrix of the expected Assessees and Assessors, and develop an idea of how the final reports will look. With this information, Olas can begin to design and develop a bespoke, streamlined, automated process for you.

A matrix of expected respondents would be set up on the system.

A 180 Survey User Matrix

 An automated mail merge process would then be used to bulk send individual customised emails to all the proposed respondents, containing a link to the survey.

A Sample Email
The survey in this example was created using the online tool Microsoft Forms. Respondents complete the survey online, which consists of a series of rating questions and sections for open-ended feedback

The survey responses are then collated and processed within a Microsoft Access database application. This application is then used to automatically create a suite of Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word reports.

An Application Header Menu
Application Report Generation Screen
  • Excel-based summary reports detail the overall progress. These can be used to report back to the project team at regular intervals and to identify the mailing list for sending reminder emails.
  • Manager reports can be created to facilitate one-to-one performance review meetings.
  • While the final personalised Assessee’s reports contain the full results of all the anonymous Assessor scores and comments for that Assessee.

In this case, the final Manager and Assessee Reports were Microsoft Word documents, containing charts and graphs that populated from Excel based templates.

Sample Reporting Elements:

Contact Olas to Find Out More

Are you looking to set up a 180 or 360 Survey process? Contact Olas today to discuss how we can assist you in creating or managing an automated process for you.

About Us - Olas Team Member - Fergal

Fergal O'Connor

Senior Technical Consultant
Mobile: +353 86 841 3708