Complete Presentation Skills (Theory & MS PowerPoint)
Complete Presentation Skills Course Duration: Two Day
Target Audience:
This programme has been designed to assist anyone needing to develop and improve elements of their presentation skills.
Course Objectives:
Develop skills required to make presentations. Be able to undertake effective planning and preparation for presentations. Be capable of handling appropriate visual aids, equipment and material. Develop understanding of effective presentation delivery techniques. Undertake practice of delivery techniques with feedback and discussion.
Course Outline:
Introduction, Objectives and Expectations
Key Factors for Effective Presentation
Objectives and purpose of presentations
Main presentation methodologies – from small groups to seminars
Identification of presentation formats required by participants
Planning and Preparing Presentations
Setting clear objectives and required outcomes
Identifying audiences and their expectations
Determining key messages
Preparing content of presentation and methods of representation – charts, diagrams, visual images etc.
Use of visual aids and their application
Design and format of visual presentation media, including use of PowerPoint
Question and Answers Session to address specific participant issues
Conducting Presentations
Do’s and don'ts of good presentation technique
Managing stress and nerves prior to and during presentations
Handling prepared material, visual aids and presentation equipment
Managing body language, tone of voice, pace, etc.
Handling interaction with audience
Dealing with difficult issues and questions
How to close out presentations
Question and Answers Session to address specific participant issues
Programme Review and Evaluation
Use will be made of open group discussion, exercises and role-plays with analysis and feedback.
PowerPoint - Creating and Managing Slides
Creating Customised Layouts
Formatting Slides
Multiple objects on one slide
Best Practice guidelines
Exporting to PDF
Printing Handouts and Notes Pages
Applying a Template
Creating / Saving a Customised Templates
Using Smart Art and Drawing
Choosing from the designs
Converting Text to SmartArt
Converting SmartArt to Shapes
Building Chart Slides
Entering Data for Charts
Chart Options
Inserting and Managing Multimedia
Movies, Sounds, Pictures (e.g. Scanned, Digital photos)
Videos from files or the Internet
Slide Shows
Adding Transition Effects
Using Animation Effects
Saving a Slide Show
Running a Slide Show
Best Practice guidelines
Course Summary and Review
Course Recap
Questions and Answers
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