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Microsoft Power BI

Improving Management of Time and Personal Effectiveness

Course Duration: One Day

Target Audience:

This course is designed for persons who wish to learn more about improving management of time and Personal Effectiveness

Course Objectives:

Develop improved interpersonal communications techniques Be capable of selecting the most appropriate communication methods Develop awareness of key factors in handling interpersonal interactions Be able to give and receive communications in an effective manner Develop skills in managing performance – motivation and performance conversations Be able to handle difficult interpersonal behaviours successfully

Course Outline:

Programme Content:

Introduction, Objectives and Expectations

Group Exercise with discussion and feedback

Introduction to effective personal communications

  • Basic factors in communication
  • Evaluation of key aspects involved through exercises with discussion
  • Identification of participants primary media of communication

Critical elements to be managed in interpersonal communication

  • Spoken word - application and issues
  • Written word - application and obstacles
  • Visual presentation - application
  • Body language - using and reading
  • Effective and active listening techniques

Interpersonal skills for spoken communications

  • Principles of body language – key factors for sending and receiving
  • Developing assertive approaches to communications and interactions
  • Dealing with interactions by telephone – building rapport and overcoming barriers
  • Handling different interactions and behaviours including situations of confrontation and aggression

Managing Performance and Giving Feedback

  • Identifying factors where feedback is required
  • Identification of barriers to effective feedback
  • Concept of accepting criticism and providing constructive approaches
  • Use of moving skills for effective interaction with others
  • Focusing on behaviour and issues and not personality
  • Importance of preparation and supportive information / examples
  • Do’s and don’ts of giving and receiving feedback – positive and negative
  • Do’s and don’ts of giving and receiving feedback – positive and negative
  • Use of assertiveness skills and transactional analysis to gain agreement and achieve objectives / required outcomes

Development of Individual Action Plans for improved communications effectiveness

Programme Review and Evaluation

  • Use will be made of open group discussion, exercises, role-plays with analysis and feedback.

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