Dynamic Delegation
Course Duration: 90 Minutes
Target Audience:
Aimed at leaders, and others, who wish to refine their delegation skills.
Course Objectives:
We can adapt the tactics we use to delegate successfully in a style that motivates the person we’re working with. The delegator’s dilemma: shall I do it myself or give it to someone else?
Often we think it will be quicker, easier and more likely to be done properly first time if we do it ourselves. And then we wonder why we’re always so busy and surrounded by less competent people. We may also ask why our bosses appear reluctant to trust us with senior leadership roles.
And so the short-term gain of getting on with something ourselves can lead to the long-term pain of being overworked and overtaken by people who used to work for us (and didn’t enjoy it much either). Equally, slapdash delegation can be even worse with distressed teams, half-finished work and busted deadlines. What to do?
Dynamic delegation is a system that helps us get the right mix of laissez-faire, guidance, communication and direction, so that we can equip others to excel at things that would otherwise be left to us. It may not be easy but for anyone in a leadership role it’s certainly worth it.