Getting Started With Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Teams Course Duration: 90 Minutes
Target Audience:
Aimed at end users who are new Microsoft Teams
Course Objectives:
This session will give you a good working knowledge of Microsoft Teams, to understanding when and why they would use this tool for sharing and collaborating with other users, project tracking and the centralisation of conversations.
Course Outline:
Managing the Microsoft Teams Environment
Accessing Microsoft Teams by a browser or desktop app
Starting to use Microsoft Teams on a Smart Phone (either Android or iPhone)
Understanding the Environment
Activities and Chat
Virtual teams and communication channels
Managing files in Microsoft Teams communication channels
Virtual Teams and Communication Channels
Creating a new virtual team
Adding new members and removing existing members
Adding communication channels
Leaving, editing and deleting a team
Email functionality in Microsoft Teams including emailing directly to a team channel and sharing content in Outlook
Notifications and alerts (To Do Lists, Task Lists and Planner)
Using Outlook contacts and groups in Microsoft Teams
Activity and Chat
Viewing mentions, replies and notifications
Starting a new chat or continuing an existing chat
Formatting chat message, use of emojis, giphys, stickers
Managing Files
Viewing files being used by your virtual team
Creating new files, uploading files and opening files
Creating and sharing links to a file using Microsoft Teams
Viewing files in cloud storage, e.g., SharePoint or OneDrive
Teams Meetings
Viewing your calendar and scheduling meetings in Microsoft Teams and in Outlook
Using Outlook calendar integration in Microsoft Teams
Including attachments in meeting invitations
Joining a meeting and leaving a meeting
Using video, changing your background and muting audio
Sharing your desktop with meeting invitees
Linking Microsoft Teams with Outlook and OneDrive
Discussion and Question Time
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