Managing Upwards
Course Duration: 90 Minutes
Target Audience:
Aimed at managers who want to refine skills when managing employees, and others.
Course Objectives:
Through empathizing with and understanding the individual in question, we can manage upwards with confidence and impact. Do you have the perfect boss? If so, enjoy it. And the perfect client? Well done, you.
Most of us, however, can think of at least one person who has some control over us and who isn’t always a joy to deal with. This Workout will help you find out how to manage them.
Whatever the challenges powerful people present, they are rarely insurmountable. Their motivations and fears are often little different from our own, however much it may seem otherwise, and their appreciation of our support is often much greater than they let on.
There are also a host of techniques that we can use to help turn their priorities and idiosyncrasies to our advantage (or at least prevent them from being a disadvantage). Power isn’t the issue. It’s what we do about it that counts.