Microsoft Visio Advanced
Course Duration: One Day
Target Audience:
Aimed at users who use Visio extensively in their day-to-day work and who wish to explore and learn more about the added functionality of the application.
Course Objectives:
To allow the user to make full use of the advanced features of the application. To work with Flowcharts, Workflows, Cross-Functional Flowcharts (Swim Lanes), Organisation Charts, Brainstorming Diagrams, Timelines and Gantt Charts. To understand how to add data and data graphics to drawings.
Course Outline:
Working with Shapes
Paste Special
Inserting fields
Screen Tips
Working with Containers
Adding containers
Adding shapes to a container
Removing shapes from a container
Resizing containers
Disbanding a container
Using Callouts
Inserting a callout
Moving a callout
Positioning the callout line
Resizing callouts
Callout styles
Working with Layers
Adding layers
Showing layers
Hiding layers
Activating layers
Locking layers
Selecting layers to print
Working with Shape Data
Manually adding data to shapes
Manually linking shape data
Automatically linking shapes to data
Refreshing the shape data
Data links
Data Graphics
Inserting data graphics
Custom data graphics
Editing data graphics
Removing data graphics
Creating Process Diagrams
Adding shapes
Creating Sub-Processes
Linking Sub-Processes
Editing links
Building Drawings Using Existing Stencils and Templates
Creating and managing drawing types
Using customised menus
IEEE compliant shapes for electrical diagrams
Cross Functional Flowcharts
Creating a Cross Functional Flowchart
Adding Swim Lanes
Adding separators
Adding shapes
Changing orientation and direction
Modifying the Swim Lane margins
Creating Organisation Charts
Creating an Organisation Chart manually
Creating an Organisation Chart using the Visio wizard
Adding shapes
Synchronising charts
Creating Process Flow Diagrams
Adding shapes
Importing from SharePoint
Exporting to SharePoint
Creating Gantt Charts
Creating a Gantt Chart
Entering dates, tasks, and durations
Adding rows and columns
Configuring working time
Adding Background Pages
Inserting headers and footers
Importing and Exporting to Excel
One step data connectivity
Using IRM to safeguard your drawings