Social Media Workshop
Course Duration: One Day
Target Audience:
This course is aimed at professionals who want to learn how to set up, use and connect to various social media platforms.
Course Objectives:
This course will take a look at the main social media platforms and how they can be best utilised from an individual / business perspective. Facebook, Twitter (also known as X), Instagram, and LinkedIn will be the platforms used in this session. The participants will learn how to set up, use and connect to the required audiences, building their audience in the process.
Course Outline:
Course Introduction
Discussion of Various Social Media Sites
Twitter (X)
Twitter (X)
Twitter (X) Settings and Terminology
Find and Follow
Sending Tweets
Using the Hashtag (#) and the At Sign (@)
Set-Up, Customisation, and Use of Facebook
Business benefits and Insights
Set-Up, Customisation, and Use of Instagram
Posts, Searches, and Instagram TV
Videos vs. Images
Building your audience
Set-Up, Customisation, and Use of LinkedIn
Best Practice and Tips for Using Instagram